Kaylee Gommel's fight against Neuroblastoma. This is her Road to Recovery!

A quiet Weekend

I hope everyone is having a good weekend?  Our family has had a great weekend so far.  Other than a doctor’s appointment for Kyle, who had a minor sore throat for two days, we pretty much spent the day at home.  Kyle’s appointment went well – he does not have strep (thank heavens).  On Friday, Uncle Jesse and Brian came over and hung out.  Check out the photo of “Larry, Curly & Mo” 🙂  DSC_2657On Saturday, we had our furnace ducts cleaned – wow did they need it.  Carol Kyle and I had sub-sandwhichs courtesy of Pizza Dock – Thank You!  Kaylee ate some ravioli.  We spent the rest of the day and evening relaxing.  Kaylee has been doing VERY well with her medication.  I can’t remember the last time we had to help her with her meds – she does them all on her own.

Today was yet another laid-back day.  Kaylee played a lot of Wii Sports with Kyle, until Kyle had to leave for his last day at Basketball Camp.  Carol decided to go to church while I stayed home with Kaylee.  Kaylee played some more Wii Sports, and then retired to the computer for some good ole’ fashion flash gaming (Cartoon Network and Webkins).  I watched the Browns be the Browns, until Carol got home from church.  The highlight of the day so far was the early trick-or-treating we participated in around Grandma and Papa’s house.  Grandma and Papa arranged the afternoon with some of the neighbors since Kaylee will not be able to participate in trick -or-treating next weekend due to her chemo treatments this week.  The kids had a lot of fun.

The rest of the evening should be pretty laid back as well.  We’ll have some dinner, give Kaylee a bath, change her Broviac dressing, flush her tubes and get ready for bed.  Tomorrow starts Cycle II – Chemo Day 1: Cyclophosphamide  and Topotecan.  Carol and Kaylee need to be downtown early.  I will work all this week and get updates throughout the day.

Keep those comments coming; we all love to hear from you.

Thank you for all your support!  Love, hugs and kisses from Kaylee.

Comments on: "A quiet Weekend" (5)

  1. Jeff Matter said:

    Glad to hear you all had another good weekend! Kaylee, you and Kyle keep using all that incredible kid energy to have fun together, you two are keeping each other strong, and helping mom and dad more than you can imagine. Kaylee, I wish you all the best in starting the next step of your treatments, I know your going to do great, keep doing exactly what you are doing because it is working. Jamie, I’m not a Browns fan, but my sympathy goes out to all who are, they tend to beat themselves more than anyone they play! Good luck to all tomorrow, and God bless.

  2. Ellen Weber said:

    Kaylee – You’re looking great! I will be praying for you as you start your next round of chemo. I bet you’ll handle it fantastically just like the first round.

    I’m glad you had a chance to go trick-or-treating at your grandma and poppa’s. What costume did you wear?

    God bless!

  3. Hi Kaylee!

    I can’t believe you and Kyle got to go trick-or-treating already! You are probably the only kids that were able to do it that….I wish I could trick-or-treat! You look so beautiful and Pj and I will be thinking of you through your next round of chemo.

    Stay strong.


  4. Mike Barnes said:

    Hello Kaylee,
    I’m jealous, you got to go trick or treating. They tell me I’m to old to do that. Becky and I hope your quilt will keep you warm on the cold days coming. What did you get to dress up as ?

    Keep that wonderful smile, smiling.

  5. Mary Chamberlain said:

    Hey there Kaylee…..sounds like you are doing wonderful – What a big girl you are doing all your meds by yourself. You are beautiful also….now you look more like your daddy, huh?
    Take care and tell you mom that I said “HEY MOMMA”…..that is what I call her at work…..I was just on vacation and saw dolphins swimming in the ocean, it was really cool….do you like
    dolphins? What is your favorite animal?

    Talk to you later big girl.

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